Sebastian felt engaged in the entire class we attended, and enjoyed answering your question “What animal has claws?” with the exclamation “a lobster!” which you kindly responded to with excitement, even though you were looking for “Bear”. Thanks for making my child feel so engaged and hands-on in the food preparation — it reinforced his positive view of healthy food! – Anna-Lisa Corrales
Our son helps out with weekly dinners now! He is picky but he tried everything in class! The perfect cure for a picky eater. – Karyln Ferrari Parker
Cricket is the Mary Poppins of kids’ cooking. In every job that must be done there IS an element of fun! When we treat meal preparation like a game, everyone has a good time, dinner gets made (instead of delivered), and the kids are more likely to try something new. Cooking the ‘creative’ way is an excellent way to bond with your kids. And it sure beats playing yet another game of Candyland. – Melanie Dayani Smith
My daughter LOVES The Creative Kitchen cooking classes! Cricket and her staff have a way of communicating with the kids in a language that they can understand – and, as a result, the kids actually get excited about green beans and bell peppers and other healthy foods. I really love that the foods that are prepared are healthy; my daughter really loves that they are tasty and colorful. I really like how Cricket takes the time to discuss each ingredient – describes the color, the letter is starts with, etc. When I come home from work, my two daughters sit up on the kitchen counter with me and actually want to HELP me cook dinner. They are very interested in trying all the raw ingredients and in helping to measure and pour and stir. I attribute much of my little chef’s skills to The Creative Kitchen! Now, I only hope someday soon Pearl will start cooking ME breakfast in bed on the weekends….. – Mimi Raygorodetsky