Looking for a delicious and healthful grain to serve to your kids? Try sorghum! Here’s the breakdown: sorghum is an extremely versatile grain that can be used in both sweet and savory recipes. It can be cooked on the stove, rice cooker, or slow cooker. Similar to farro, it has a wonderful, slightly nutty taste, and can be a great substitute for traditional daily grains – it’s naturally gluten-free! Sorghum is also a great source of fiber, a tasty way to get natural energy, and helps you stay fuller for longer! Switch up your family’s favorite classic dishes by substituting sorghum for the traditionally used grain ingredient. It’s a nutrient-dense twist that the whole family is sure to enjoy!
The Creative Kitchen is excited to use sorghum in our Whole Foods Market Back to School Cooking Classes Learn more at www.thecreativekitchen.com/calendar.
From the Mouth of a Kid:
Tastes like rice, YUM!
From the Eyes of a Parent:
My favorite thing about sorghum is how versatile it is to cook with! It can be served like rice or quinoa, but there are so many more options, such as popping it like popcorn, using it to make risotto or even pancakes, my kids’ favorite! My kids love the taste, which makes it super easy to feed them a food with so many health benefits in it. It’s a yummy, gluten-free carbohydrate with good sources of iron and zinc, and it’s also rich in B complex vitamins. It’s truly incredible how so much nutrition is inside of each teeny tiny grain!
The Icing on the Cake:
Sorghum is extremely nutritious, boasting benefits such as:
Protein: helps keep your bones, muscles, skin, and enzymes healthy
Iron: strengthens the immune system
Vitamin B6: enhances nerve function
Niacin: improves blood circulation
Magnesium: helps to regulate body temperature and calcium absorption
Phosphorus: which helps form healthy bones
Time to Eat?!
Sorghum is awesome! It can be prepared in dishes that are eaten at any mealtime, from breakfast through dessert!
Mix it Up!
For some creative ways to serve sorghum to your family, check out www.simplysorghum.com to find lots of recipes and cooking tips! Their website has instructions on how to make dozens of dishes using sorghum, such as risotto, chocolate chip cookies, and so much more!