What is The Creative Kitchen?
The Creative Kitchen teaches children about food and how to cook in a fun, safe, and educational manner. The multi-faceted company includes a variety of media outlets which promote the curriculum. Targeting children ages two and older, the company focuses on teaching, writing, producing creative content, and consulting to present educational content through food-related activities. The founder, Cricket Azima, inspires children to express themselves creatively through cooking and the arts. While writing her master’s thesis, entitled “Children’s Cooking Classes: An Alternative Method to Enhance Learning,” Cricket learned that children retain more educational content of a lesson when using all of their senses and, of course, when having fun in the meanwhile!
Our Mission
The goal of The Creative Kitchen is to foster a healthy relationship between children and food through cooking. The Creative Kitchen’s cooking classes are about more than just learning to cook. During our activities, children strengthen their motor skills, self-esteem, socialization, cultural understanding, teamwork, independence, and personal responsibility. Our cooking classes also enhance other traditional disciplines, such as reading, mathematics, science, social sciences, nutrition, music, art, history, and geography. The Creative Kitchen’s tried-and-true lesson plans have been developed and implemented since 1999 for conducting cooking classes in a creative and dynamic learning environment of delicious exploration.