Jimmy Carbone
Restaurateur, Owner of Jimmy’s No. 43 
Website: jimmysno43.com
Facebook Page: jimmy no. 43
Twitter: @jimmypotsandpan or @jimmysno43
What was your favorite food to eat as a child?
Pasta. There were two favorites: Friday night pesto with wide noodles (mafalda) and canned tuna. A Catholic Friday night (meatless/fish Fridays). The pesto is finished with a creamy cheese much like cream cheese (good substitute) and canned tuna is stirred in before serving. It gives the dish a certain tang. I can still remember the basil flavors. The dish came from my father’s side—his family was from Recco near Genoa.
My other favorite was day-old spaghetti and red meat sauce (tucoo). The pasta would sit overnight in the sauce, and my mother would warm it in a cast iron skillet. It would crisp up: like fried pasta instead of fried rice.
Do you have children? If so, what do you like to make for them or with them?
My daughter is 12. We’ve eaten a lot of meals out together. We used to go to an old Chinatown corner noodle shop. She has loved noodle soup with chicken since she was three years old. At home she likes basics—pasta, chicken.
What is your favorite childhood memory in the kitchen?
My father used to cook one dish: homemade applesauce. Some nights he would unwind by doing this. He’d cut the apples, cook with skins and seeds still in. At the end he’d run it through an old hand-operated Foley mill that would take the skins and seeds out. He finished with a little sugar and cinnamon. I miss that!
What was your favorite recipe to help make when you were a kid?
Same as above!