Take a trip to France with Bonne Maman Strawberry Preserves! The all-natural flavors and fresh fruit taste of their Strawberry Preserves brings the traditional, homemade French recipe to your kitchen. Your family will love to pair the sweetness of the preserve their with morning toast, pancakes or waffles, or as an addition to dessert. With only the finest quality strawberries and all-natural ingredients, this sweet treat is sure to ease the mind and the tummy!
From the Mouth of a Kid:
I love when my mom adds it to my nut butter sandwiches—it’s my favorite after school snack!
From the Eyes of a Parent: 
There are two things that are instantly noticeable about Bonne Maman Strawberry Preserves. The first is its great flavor—it has a fresh sweetness that I can’t get in other preserves. The second is that it contains only five ingredients, and I can pronounce all of them! I can’t get enough of Bonne Maman. Added to a snack, breakfast or dessert, Bonne Maman Strawberry Preserves has me and my family going back for seconds!
Flavorful Features:
Bonne Maman Preserves come in a variety of flavors:
- Apricot
- Apricot Raspberry
- Blackberry
- Cherry
- Fig
- Four Fruits
- Mandarin
- Golden Plum Mirabelle
- Mixed Berries
- Orange
- Peach
- Plum
- Raspberry
- Strawberry
- Wildberry
Bonne Maman also has a line of Jellies that come in flavors:
- Blackberry
- Blackcurrant
- Muscat Grape
- Redcurrant
The Icing on the Cake: 
Bonne Maman Strawberry Preserves only contain five ingredients:
- Strawberries
- Sugar
- Cane Sugar
- Concentrated Lemon Juice
- Fruit Pectin
All Bonne Maman Jellies and Preserves are produced in France, contain all-natural ingredients, and are free of artificial coloring and high fructose corn syrup.
Time to Eat?!
Spread on toast for breakfast, pair with your favorite nut butter to create a tasty sandwich, or serve over ice cream for dessert.
Mix It Up!
Instead of pouring traditional syrup over your waffles and pancakes, spread on Bonne Maman Strawberry Preserves!
The Creative Kitchen™, LLC, teaches children about food and how to cook in a fun, safe, and educational manner. Targeting families with children ages two to teen, the company focuses on teaching, writing creative content and curriculum, special events, recipe development, spokesperson work, webisode production and consulting to present educational and entertaining content through food-related activities. The founder, Cricket Azima, is an expert in cooking for and with children. She inspires kids to express themselves creatively through food and cooking, while complementing lessons with traditional educational material such as social studies, math, arts, science, and more. Visit www.thecreativekitchen.com for more information.