The Creative Kitchen knows that moms run a mile a minute during these hot, muggy summer days. On those days we all find ourselves craving the coldest, sweetest drink we can find. Instead of grabbing the nearest milkshake, choose a healthful option and boost your energy (and muscle!) with D’vida Vidapump Banana and Peanut Butter premade smoothies. Packed with protein and nutrient dense, their smoothies will give moms the energy they need to care for their family.
From the Eyes of a Parent: 
D’vida smoothies are a great, healthful alternative to a sweet, sugary milkshake and they’re easier to make than having to put together my own smoothie. Instead of choosing, cleaning, and chopping my own fruits and vegetables, I get out my blender, water, ice, and my favorite flavor of D’vida and within seconds I’ve created a protein packed, nutrient dense smoothie that keeps me going on even the busiest of days. It’s natural taste and flavor makes it even more of a treat!
Flavorful Features:
D’vida premade smoothies come in four different flavors:
- Vidapump+ Banana and Peanut Butter
- Vidaslim+ Strawberry and Banana
- Vidagreen+ Cucumber, Kale, Green Apple, and Spinach
- Vidaboost+ Pineapple and Coconut
The Icing on the Cake: 
Their smoothies are low glycemic, GMO and Gluten free, and a great source of fiber and protein. The smoothies are made with all-natural ingredients, including real fruits and vegetables.
Good to Go?
Yes! Mix D’vida at home and take it to-go in a resealable cup.
Time to Eat?!
Perfect for an energy boosting snack or a tummy filling meal!
Mix it Up!
When you’re sweet tooth is craving or when you need an extra boost of energy choose D’vida smoothies over the sugar-packed alternative.